Important info on abstracts

The deadline for submitting an abstract for consideration of an oral presentation is November 15th, 2024 (23h59, Oslo time).

The deadline for submitting an abstract for considerion of a poster preseantation and to be included in the abstract book is December 1st, 2024 (23h59, Oslo time). 


Completed Abstracts should be submitted via the online form

 in the section "Abstract submission". 

You must log in in order to submit an abstract.


Body of abstract

Limit the abstract to 300 words (excluding authors names and affiliations). Do not use graphics or tables functions. Any numerical values should be provided in the body of the text and not as a table. Please use other functions as required such as italics, super- and subscript keys, and other symbols. All text should be pasted into the text fields provided during the abstract submission process.

Key words

Please provide three to five words as key words for your abstract. An area to enter key words will be provided during the submission process.

Preferred presentation method: Oral or Poster

Please indicate if you would like to present your work in the form of an oral presentation or as a poster presentation. A "comment" area to enter your preference will be provided during the submission process.

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